Whimsy & Rage
Quick links
- What is this?
- The original series
- 2001 reboot
- Spin offs
- Rage and Onion
- The Lone Rager
- Rage n bull (YouTube Series)
- International adaptations
- In popular culture
- Follow us on Twitter
What is this?
Sometimes Twitter can be a beautiful thing. Last night I posted the following Tweet:
I feel like my two emotions are whimsy and rage. It's confusing.
— Your friend Pete (@YourFriendPete) March 20, 2020
This morning Corey Lavender from Vanishing Point Records pointed out that Whimsy & Rage…
Sounds like a buddy cop duo
— Vanishing Point Recs (@VPRecordsStore) March 21, 2020
Whimsy & Rage
Terry Whimsy & Bruce Rage
Which set in motion one of the best Twitter conversations I’ve ever been involved in…
The original series
I'm back in a positive mood this morning. Why? Because of this brilliant suggestion by Corey. I'm going to spend today watching Season 1 of Whimsy & Rage in my head. https://t.co/bVSyInomoP
— Your friend Pete (@YourFriendPete) March 21, 2020
Audio drama series for the VPR daytime show. Please. PLEASE.
— Ashley Bird (@ashbirdtweets) March 21, 2020
I'd like to think they were 'Good Cop/Bad Cop' but it was Bruce Rage who was really easy going…
— Vanishing Point Recs (@VPRecordsStore) March 21, 2020
And Terry Whimsy, despite his name, is actually quite difficult to get on with. The other officers often call him 'Whimsy Sour' under their breaths.
— Your friend Pete (@YourFriendPete) March 21, 2020
Yep, I heard he has a drinking problem
— Vanishing Point Recs (@VPRecordsStore) March 21, 2020
And concocts limericks for every case
— Martyn Stonehouse (@MartynAudio) March 21, 2020
Oh yes, I remember. That trait was first shown in the episode 'Irish Whimsy' in which Terry was visited by an elderly Irish relative… with a dark secret.
— Your friend Pete (@YourFriendPete) March 21, 2020
Exciting news gang… The original Whimsy & Rage TV theme tune has just been re-released on Soundcloud! https://t.co/cGwgmIDHYm
— Your friend Pete (@YourFriendPete) March 22, 2020
It’s great to hear this old classic again. The use of Cage to rhyme Whimsy and Rage….subtle but brilliant. It’s a theme tune that could only have been written in the 80s, no way it could have been written today…this afternoon even!
— Many Elephants (@many_elephants) March 22, 2020
Well, well, well, I’ve just taken a listen and this is everything I imagined it’d be plus something extra. ???????
— FOREST ROBOTS ™ (@forestrobots) March 22, 2020
Well. There it is. The best thing that's happened this year. pic.twitter.com/psI4TJPo1C
— Lucie De Lacy (@lucie_delacy) March 22, 2020
@ClarkCX and @VPRecordsStore it’s amazing what you can find when digging through my back catalog of 80s cop show soundtracks on cassette tape. Remember this beauty from the “Whimsy & Rage” show? Would always play when something was about to go down! pic.twitter.com/EhID9iCyQ9
— Many Elephants (@many_elephants) March 26, 2020
Can't believe you still have it on tape! It makes me feel nostalgic and tense in equal measure. Love it.
— Your friend Pete (@YourFriendPete) March 26, 2020
Notable episodes
Episode 1, Rage Fright: Normally confident Bruce has a crisis of confidence after his partner and mentor retires. Will his new partner Terry be able to help him get back on track?
— Your friend Pete (@YourFriendPete) March 21, 2020
My favorite ep was 'Rage Against The Machine'
— Vanishing Point Recs (@VPRecordsStore) March 21, 2020
After a cyberbot attack that rendered his partner incapacitated, Bruce Rage waged war on the robots.
It's said it inspired the name for a funk metal band
Remember that Ep when Rage got put on traffic duty after following (what turned out to be) "suspect" Intel from Dave The Liar…
— Vanishing Point Recs (@VPRecordsStore) March 22, 2020
"Road Rage" was a classic
Remember that EP where Whimsy & Rage had to infiltrate the live music scene with Rage masquerading as a blind pianist to draw out the corrupt promoters who were performing shady dealings on the side?
— Many Elephants (@many_elephants) March 22, 2020
“Rage Charles”
What a classic!
Yeah that was great, but let's not forget there were some pretty great 'Terry' episodes too.
— Your friend Pete (@YourFriendPete) March 22, 2020
I loved 'Whimsy & Coke'. You know, where Terry goes undercover in a drugs ring and Bruce is worried about how far he'll go to get a bust… and a fix! ?
Yeah that was a good one.
— Many Elephants (@many_elephants) March 22, 2020
Nearly as good as when they had to masquerade as a classic British comedy duo to bring down the criminal element of London Weekend Television.
“Morecrime and Wise”
Whimsey as a short little straight man and Rage with thick rimmed glasses! Class!
Very true.
— Vanishing Point Recs (@VPRecordsStore) March 22, 2020
My fave Whimsy based ep was that one when he was held captive and subjected to torture by that guy with the bone density reduction laser gun.
It left him with temporary bone loss in his legs.
"Flimsy Whimsy" was a real tearjearker
It still chokes me up ?
— Many Elephants (@many_elephants) March 22, 2020
I enjoyed the whimsey summer episode, terry in June!!!
— Redders Rewind (@redders781) March 22, 2020
Sounds like a Russ Meyer film Redders
— Vanishing Point Recs (@VPRecordsStore) March 22, 2020
Remember that Ep when Whimsy gets sent on a reconnaissance mission to investigate a suspected drugs cartel infiltrating the fish industry in Lincolnshire?
— Vanishing Point Recs (@VPRecordsStore) March 26, 2020
"Whimsy in Grimsby"
Another classic!
— Many Elephants (@many_elephants) March 26, 2020
Remember the one that is wholly set in Shropshire with a huge car and helicopter chase. It was a Shropshire bloodbath leading to the entire town population being slaughtered when Whimsy released an Exocet rather than switching on air con!
“Whimsy Wem Wipeout”
Recurring characters
You going to have a Huggy Bear type informant character?
— Many Elephants (@many_elephants) March 21, 2020
Of course, such a character is a requirement of the genre. In W&R the informant character is a DJ who gets the low-down on happenings while spinning tunes at the local disco. Due to his reputation as a source of information and profession he's known as @LippyKidMusic
— Your friend Pete (@YourFriendPete) March 21, 2020
I'd love to help out, but I'm currently learning my lines for the Persuaders reboot in readiness for when this car crash is out of the way… x
— Lippy Kid (@LippyKidMusic) March 21, 2020
Just to be clear, by 'this car crash' do you mean the worldwide pandemic? Or Whimsy & Rage?
— Your friend Pete (@YourFriendPete) March 21, 2020
Think carefully about your answer. ?
I've just dreamt that the informant should be called Dave the liar
— Vanishing Point Recs (@VPRecordsStore) March 22, 2020
Can't be trusted but they always use him
"Come on Dave, you expect us to believe you saw Billy Strangefinger talking to Mary Boons round the back of Dog on Tuesday evening? Everybody knows Billy runs the quiz at the Minted Lamb on Tuesdays!"
— Your friend Pete (@YourFriendPete) March 22, 2020
"Fair cop, I made it up."
"Okay, thanks Dave. See you soon."
2001 Reboot
Rage is prepared to meet his new partner, the dominant, alpha male tage is not prepared for what he meets for His new partner is also called terry, but SHE spells it Terri!!!
— Redders Rewind (@redders781) March 21, 2020
An old army major, who had joined the police in retirement to add some diciplone and procedure! Rage doesn’t follow the rule book, he’s a maverick, he flies by the seat of his pants, and doesnt think twice about bending the rules!! Anything to get his man/woman!!!
— Redders Rewind (@redders781) March 21, 2020
Sorry to be pedantic but I think you're talking about the reboot of the show John? After the original 80s series it was brought back in 2001 with a new more diverse cast. Many people prefer it to the original due to its more progressive approach. Sorry if I've misunderstood?
— Your friend Pete (@YourFriendPete) March 21, 2020
This is the best set of tweets I've ever read. Period.
— Lucie De Lacy (@lucie_delacy) March 21, 2020
Ahhhhhh i apologise! Yes you’re right! Rage is a firm believer in new technology and uses his fax machine and pager to help catch the new breed of villain!
— Redders Rewind (@redders781) March 21, 2020
Do you remember the episode 'Double Whimsy' from the 2001 series? Someone’s running around town using the name T. Whimsy. Is this a doppelgänger or is Terri losing her marbles? (Spoiler: It's Terry Whimsy from the original series who turns out to be… her dad!)
— Your friend Pete (@YourFriendPete) March 21, 2020
Whoa Major Major Twist!!!!
— Redders Rewind (@redders781) March 21, 2020
Rage & Onion
I always wished they'd never done that 'spin off' show with Rage's brother, Malcolm
— Vanishing Point Recs (@VPRecordsStore) March 21, 2020
Teaming him up with a fella called Tony Onion just seemed cheap to me
That signalled the brief demise of the franchise
— Redders Rewind (@redders781) March 21, 2020
Personally I thought it all went to ratshit when they brought in Scrappy Doo… x
— Lippy Kid (@LippyKidMusic) March 21, 2020
Setting the show in a culinary school for day release prisoners for was an 'interesting' move. It was like a cross between Grange Hill, Orange Is The New Black and Ready Steady Cook.
— Your friend Pete (@YourFriendPete) March 21, 2020
The way they tried to make "Get stuffed!" a catchphrase was just dire.
Yep, it was quite clever though how Superintendent Head Chef, Gordon Turkey would solve cases based on victims eating habits
— Vanishing Point Recs (@VPRecordsStore) March 21, 2020
His "Mind Kitchen" I think he called it
— Vanishing Point Recs (@VPRecordsStore) March 21, 2020
That's right! That was the one part of that show that had some merit. I liked the montage sequence they always did where they showed him thinking with all the ingredients floating around his head.
— Your friend Pete (@YourFriendPete) March 21, 2020
"Don't you see Barbara? It's ALMOST the classic recipe for a stew but something's missing!?"
— Vanishing Point Recs (@VPRecordsStore) March 21, 2020
"It's nice to know you care, Barbara"
"No, FLOUR…theres no sign of flour binding the meat with the sauce"
"That's it! Barbara, you've solved it!"
Rage solves the problem using something that has just been given to the higher echelons of the police- google! Gravy granules he says- gravy granules xxx
— Redders Rewind (@redders781) March 21, 2020
Ainsley Harriet was the problem, a much better chef than actor, and the look on Rages face when Harriet made him call it suzie salt and Percy pepper was the start of his spiral into alcoholism
— Redders Rewind (@redders781) March 21, 2020
Maybe I'm cynical but I reckon that plot line about Malcolm's drinking was only so they could once again bring back original Terry (who also had a drinking problem remember) in the episode 'TerryMal Illness'. That really was the low point for me.
— Your friend Pete (@YourFriendPete) March 21, 2020
The Lone Rager
I almost can’t wait for the Whimsy & Rage spin off series “The Lone Rager” after Whimsey is involved in a freak yachting accident while pursuing an eye patch wearing mobster. This just writes itself!
— Many Elephants (@many_elephants) March 21, 2020
Rage n bull (YouTube Series)
The country continued to follow the life of rage even after he retired from the force, he decided to live out his life on a remote dairy farm in the Scottish highlands, he’d start a you tube channel and seek greater fame with the you tube generation! Rage n bull!
— Redders Rewind (@redders781) March 22, 2020
— Your friend Pete (@YourFriendPete) March 22, 2020
International adaptations
I didn't like the Italian remake, they ditched Rage altogether and made the lead character a painter and decorator that solved crimes on the side.
— Vanishing Point Recs (@VPRecordsStore) March 21, 2020
"Leonardo Da Whimci" just seemed to be really flogging a dead format
These pesky Italians get involved in everything these days. They ruined Westerns by introducing spaghetti. The last thing Rage needs in his life is a tomato based product.
— Many Elephants (@many_elephants) March 22, 2020
Ragu? A simple change in a vowel and he becomes dark……..
— Redders Rewind (@redders781) March 22, 2020
He becomes the evil Dr Ragu? Man this plot goes way deeper than I thought.
— Many Elephants (@many_elephants) March 22, 2020
That's right, after a slow start in Italy the show was cancelled during season one. A group of fans set up a crowdfunding campaign on the website https://t.co/IqBtrZaOj3 with the aim of bringing Bruce back and relaunching the show. Fair to say it didn't make it worse.
— Your friend Pete (@YourFriendPete) March 22, 2020
In popular culture
I’m sure these were a UK Garage act from the early 2000’s.
— Many Elephants (@many_elephants) March 21, 2020
You're not wrong. The UK Garage act 'Wimsy 'n' RayGe' (real names Jonny Wimbleton and Ray Gedling) grew up watching Whimsy & Rage on daytime TV while bunking off school. They named their crew after the show in tribute.
— Your friend Pete (@YourFriendPete) March 21, 2020
Follow us on Twitter
See? Twitter can be a lot of fun! So follow me on there @ClarkCX and while you’re at it you should also follow @VPRecordsStore @many_elephants and @Redders781 who all came together to create #WhimsyAndRage