
I like to think of myself as a creative sort of chap. A lot of the time that creativity manifests itself in the production of things that could be termed ‘nonsensical’. I’ve collected them here for my own amusement but you’re free to have a poke around too. ๐Ÿ™‚

Follow me @ClarkCX on Twitter if you like.

Music radio

I’ve hosted various music radio shows since 2018. Both independently and as a regular presenter on Radio Free Matlock.


Like radio but with more chat and less music. I’m the co-host of The World Over There and The Freelance Developer Podcast.

The World Over There

One of those podcasts that’s not really about anything much. But I like those. This one features my friend Russ who lives in Utah chatting to my sister Abi and me who don’t.

The Freelance Developer

Richard Bagshaw and I share our thoughts and experiences of being freelance web developers. We try to stop you making the same mistakes we’ve made. Because we care.


I’ve made music on and off since I was about 13 years old. I was played on Radio One once. Briefly.

Here’s a remix I did of an amazing rapper called Paradox.


Here are a couple of short poems I wrote and recorded while in the bath. These are from a few years ago. I can’t remember what the voice was about.

I wrote this for my family’s daily poetry challenge that we did on video calls during The Great Lockdown of ’20.

Lockdown 2020

The things I did to keep myself alive and amused during the UK’s enforced lockdown

Whimsy & Rage

That time I spent a morning accidentally developing a multi-threaded TV series with friends.