New website launched for… us!
I always think that the hardest projects to work on are those for your own business. It’s nice being able to do what you want without having to justify it to anyone but that’s also one of the downsides. It’s hard to be objective when you’re really close to something and you can end up second guessing yourself a lot. The other thing is that it’s hard to set aside the time for internal (i.e. non-paid) work. But having recently moved into a new office in the centre of Derby we decided the time had come to give ourselves the kind of well-considered website we provide for our clients. You’re looking at it now.
Our previous site wasn’t terrible but it was always an afterthought and it really wasn’t serving us in the way it needed to. The content was a little jumbled and it certainly didn’t show our projects in the best light. The new site puts the work in the spotlight and, hopefully, shows the kind of service you’ll get if you commission us for a new website or digital design work. We’re also starting to build up a resources section that will contain helpful information for anyone faced with managing their company’s website or commissioning a new one. The blog section has been renamed as ‘journal’ to better reflect that these are personal thoughts, opinions and experiences. We’re going to a lot more events than we used to so this is the perfect place to put our notes.
We’ve also finally added a team section so you can see who you’ll be working with if you choose Ablewild for your next project. We’ve got plenty more ideas for how to grow and improve the site over time, but for now we’d be honoured if you’d take a look and let us know what you think! If there’s anything you think could be better please let us know. And, of course, we’re here to help if this sparks offable some ideas for how you could improve your own website or brand.