Category: Quick guides
Easy ways to avoid getting hacked
Unfortunately there’s nothing you can ever do to make your website 100% secure, but by following the tips here you can make your site much safer from hackers.
How to use choose strong passwords
Most people understand that using a strong password is important but what does that really mean? And how do you make sure you’re using strong passwords?
Quick guide: Writing website content
One of the first things which should be produced as part of a web design project is the website content, or at the very least a draft overview of content. But content is hard! Which is exactly why it usually gets left until far too late in the process. Well don’t worry, this quick guide will help you get started now.
Quick guide: Planning a website
There is a fair amount of planning a website needs before you or your web designer starts putting things together. Of course you could just jump right in, but you might head off in the wrong direction and end up with something that looks nice but doesn’t work. Answer the following questions to help plan your website effectively.